What Do You Have To Be Thankful For?

I am thankful for children - the future hope of the world. I am thankful for the Fall & Winter seasons. Unlike our ancient people, who were superstitious and feared the death of all things, we know that Spring arrives following winter. People should no more fear death, than trees fear winter…both shall live again.
I am thankful for our schools and their leaders. I am thankful for teacher, coaches, and parents. I am thankful for our administrators and all of our support workers in the school district. I am thankful for bus drivers.
I am thankful for the community of Dublin, Texas. I am thankful for our civic leaders, our police department, & our volunteer firefighters. I am thankful for the home I live in, the utilities such as electricity and water, which make life more comfortable, the vehicles I drive, the garage where I can park them, and the clothes I have on my back, plus those in the closet.
I am thankful for food, which God provides. I am thankful for having the job, I have, which is more than just a job – it is a passion and a joy in which to serve our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ and His people.
I am thankful for friends…and enemies. I am thankful for acquaintances and prospective friends. I am thankful for problems, challenges, and obstacles in life and the experiences from which I have learned from them.
I am thankful for my faith and the years of living, which has made it stronger.
I am most thankful for the church – not “my” church, but Jesus’ church. It doesn’t belong to me, but I am thankful that I’m a part of it! I’m glad I can work in Jesus’ church and do His will and forge through with His mission in Dublin, Texas.
I am thankful for my health that God has given me. He has extended my time to serve Him. I would serve Him regardless of my health, but good health makes it more comfortable.
I am most thankful for my daughters, Lisa, Laurie, and Lydia. They are a true joy in my life. I am most thankful for my granddaughters, Rhiannon, and Brooklynn, who will carry on when I am gone. I am even thankful for my son-in-law, Chris.
I am most thankful for my step-children, Nichole, Zach, and Lacey. They also bring great joy! I am thankful for Nichole and Lacey’s mates: Willie & Kenny.
I am most thankful for my step-grandchildren: Liam, Devlin, Ruby, and the one promised to come…
I am most thankful for godly parents (Ernest and Leveta) who I have the privilege of seeing almost everyday and pastoring as well. My feeble attempts to help them in their stage of life does not even compare to what they have done for me over the years.
I am most thankful for godly parents-in-law who love me as if I was their own son.
I am most thankful for my wife, Denise, who has brightened my life more than I would have ever known – and still does. She is God’s second greatest gift, I have ever received.
Most of all, I am thankful for the greatest gift - My Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my constant companion guiding me through life with all of its twists and turns. He is proven so faithful to His promise of “always being there.”
He has promised to me a future and a hope by which nothing on earth can compare…and for that, I’m eternally thankful.
These are just a few of the things I am thankful for…
What are you thankful for?
Pastor Cliff