Jesus: Liar? Lunatic? or LORD?***

This month we celebrate the coming of Jesus. The entire world knows the holiday of “Christmas” but most of the world does not understand who Jesus is or the reason for the celebration. In fact, many so-called Christians do not understand who Jesus is.
The birth of Jesus is prophesied as the coming of a king. Isaiah states it this way, “For a child will born to us…there will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom…” (Isaiah 9:6a, 7 NAS). Isaiah goes on to say, “A throne will even be established in mercy/lovingkindness (Isaiah 16:5 NAS). Daniel says, “And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming…And to Him was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and languages might serve Him…And His kingdom is one which will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13b-14 NAS)
Note that the two OT scriptures show the coming of Jesus in two different ways, but yet both acknowledge that Jesus is a king. (One is referring to his first coming, the other, His second)
Pilate even asked Jesus if he was a king (John 18:33). Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not associated with this physical world (John 18:36) and that He indeed was a king (John 18:37). Whether Pilate believed Jesus has been up to spurious scrutiny throughout time, but we do know that Pilate attempted to have Him released. However, as we know, the very people Jesus came to (the Jews – see John 1:11) rejected Him and even went against their own political and religious beliefs by stating the only king they had was Caesar (John 19:15).
So what about you? Who is YOUR king? Do you have or serve a king?
Kings have certain characteristics:
During their lifetime of rule, they are absolute.
Their subjects do homage to them.
Whatever they say is law and is not up for discussion.
They have control over every aspect of their subjects’ lives.
Those who disobey are destroyed.*
Their thrones are established by violence, coup, or bloodline.**
If Jesus is Who He said He Was, then all of the above are characteristic of Him. If so, what about your role in the kingdom? Even the wise men presented gifts only fit for a king following the birth of Jesus.
Are you living for the King? Remember, the King is coming!
Pastor Cliff
*Jesus is the only king in history who gave His life for His subjects because of their disobedience, whereas the opposite is true of all other kings – the subjects give their lives for the king.
**Jesus’ throne was established before the foundation of the world
***Taken from Josh McDowell’s book, “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”