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Your are the Gift

By the time you read this article Black Friday has come and gone. A day designed for shopping to find that gift (at a discounted price) for your very special someone has turned in to an exorbitant – not to mention competitive melee which totally redefines (falsely) the genuine meaning for the season of giving.

The season is truly regarding the “gift” of God! We should need no reminder, but every time the season comes we ought to reflect on the reason why we have the season. Too many get caught up in the commercialization of the season in order to shop, party, and vacate, so the real reason gets lost in the shuffle.

Jesus was born to die! Yes. We celebrate the coming of Jesus as a baby. But He came as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed. Let’s not forget that. That’s the real reason.

We also need to remember that Jesus is God’s gift. Jesus told the woman at the well (John 4:10), “If you knew the GIFT of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

That’s the problem with most people – Do we “know” the gift?

God’s gift comes in several forms. First the gift that God has for us is free! Yes! (Romans 6:23). It can’t be bought. We buy gifts at Christmas time, but God can’t be bought. He offers His Son for free. That free gift is eternal life. This is not just referring to a “quantity” or a “length” of life, but rather and primarily it is speaking of a “quality” of life. This is life not lived on your terms, but rather on God’s. God’s gift comes by grace. In fact, grace is a manifestation of the gift (Romans 5:15). God has also given us His Holy Spirit for hundreds of reasons (Acts 2:38). The primary reason is that He wants to live in you!

One more point. Since it is Jesus’ birthday – what can you “give” Him? What do you give to a person who literally has everything and owns everything?

Yourself! Does Jesus “have” you? Does Jesus “own” you?

Several years ago, a children’s Christmas musical entitled, “The Great Late Potentate” contained one song speaking of this very issue. The lyrics go like this, “You are the gift, you are the one that He’s been waiting for – not gold, or precious Jewels – You are the gift that’s He’s been longing for…Don’t you see all you really need to bring is…Me.

Have you given the best present to Jesus on His birthday – YOU?

You are the Gift!

- Pastor Cliff

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